Custom Item Order Form
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Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
If applicable - this helps me get a better "feel" of your branding.



Please note: The same glaze can produce a completely different color on the clay body you choose (isn't science awesome?) I'll work with you to get as close to the color you desire based on your choices.


I price based on amount of clay I use but for a reference point, a signature mug with a logo & 2 toned glaze option will cost $25/mug. I will provide a discount for large orders over 20 pieces.
Please note: To throw mugs, bisque fire, glaze and final glaze fire will take a MINIMUM of three weeks once prototype is approved and down payment is made. (You can't rush the process - again, it's science!)
Shipping cost will be determined once quantity and mug prototype/weight is determined. Please note that shipping may add another week to the arrival of you order based on your location.

Let's get your Contact Information